Horizons Unlimited July 21, 2024 through July 29, 2024

Sunday July 21, 2024: Take Communion Daily
Monday July 22, 2024: From Evildoers Come Evil Deeds
Tuesday July 23, 2024: What Is Your Hurry?
Wednesday July 24, 2024: Life and Light
Thursday July 25, 2024: Begin to Know
Friday July 26, 2024: Paul Was Not His Family's First Convert
Saturday July 27, 2024: God Ignores Tradition, Habits, and Cultures
Sunday July 28, 2024: Dominating Concentration
Monday July 29, 2024: The World's Cares Choke the Word

Horizons Unlimited PDF Archive

Sunday July 21, 2024
Take Communion Daily

1 Corinthians 11:24, KJV: Take, eat: this is my body which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Jesus said "as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me."

When the Holy Spirit spoke to me at the beginning of 2006 to "take communion daily" I knew He had a purpose in mind but I had no idea the spiritual affect it would have on me. Like many Christians, I spent years taking or receiving communion, with regularity on the designated day that the assembly had decided. Of course I knew what the bread and the cup represented. I certainly understood that they were symbolic, and was not the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. However, it was not until He instructed me personally to receive them daily and began to examine myself and discern His body that Jesus became more alive in me. Jesus did not just want to be manifested to me; He wanted to manifest Himself in me so the world would see Him and not me.

When you find you are no longer interested in anyone knowing your name but you long for others to know Him and Him alone, you are maturing spiritually. Daily communion has done more to aid me in my spiritual growth than all the preaching and teaching I've ever heard. Faith came by hearing, but growth occurred when daily examination took place.

The Lord never makes suggestions or requests of me. He gives me directives. When I obey, things happen. Changes occur and they always take me to a new level. He has taught me in order to take me higher, that I must allow Him to take me deeper.

When people say, "You're too deep for me" take it as a compliment. They are seeing your growth.

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Monday July 22, 2024
From Evildoers Come Evil Deeds

1 Samuel 24:13, NIV: As the old saying goes, "From evildoers come evil deeds;" so my hand will not touch you.

David was innocent both in attitude and in action concerning Saul. He clearly understood what "God forbid" meant. He understood the reward for obeying God. He was not a wicked person and his prayer to God was to keep him from profaning a thing. He could not prevent Saul's action, but he could obtain the favor of the Lord if he refused to violate what God had forbidden.

David understood that as wrong as Saul was about him he could not defend himself against Saul, nor could he in any way harm the one who had been chosen and anointed by God. His total response to Saul's behavior was to rest on God to defend and protect him in his innocence. He knew God was faithful to remember His covenant forever. Just as He allowed no one to oppress the children of Israel as they wandered from one nation and kingdom to another. God had decreed: "Do not touch my anointed ones and do my prophets no harm (Psalm 105:14-15 NIV).

David's heart smote him for even cutting off a piece of Saul's robes. Never listen to those around you when they want you to retaliate against those intending to harm you. Stay innocent and enjoy the blessings and benefits of the Lord. When we elect to protect ourselves, we fail to represent God and all He stands for. Like David, we must allow God to judge between us, and those motivated by the enemy to be against us (1 Samuel 24:12).

I honestly believe that because I learned to endure the attacks of the enemy, the Lord has taught me how to respond to my enemy, as He responded to me when I was His enemy (Romans 5:10). Luke 6:27, tells us to love our enemy and do good to them. Romans 12:20, commands us to feed them if they are hungry. This is a way to overcome the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19 tells us to let our deeds identify us as children of God, who act like God, not the father of evil.

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Tuesday July 23, 2024
What Is Your Hurry?

Genesis 2:2, CEV: By the seventh day God had finished His work, and so He rested.

Ask yourself if you are God. Of course, we all know the answer to that question. Yet many try to operate at such a pace, they would give the impression that they think they are God. That little petty stuff we work 60, 80, or 100 hours a week to accomplish is all going to fritter away-and a lot sooner than we think.

Six days is all God needed to create an entire universe. Nothing and no one can alter anything about it without His approval. God definitely has patience. Consider all that He has tolerated from us. Just think, the One who did it all in less than one week waits for centuries for us to imitate Him.

In our impatience, we want everything yesterday. When we receive a salary increase, do we ask God how we are to apportion it, or do we just plunge into spending it all as soon as we get it? What happened to using your faith to believe for things? When is the last time you inquired of God before you spent the money He blessed you with? Put your brakes on, and ask the Lord to teach you His pace. Are you prepared to meet a crisis? Slow down. What is your hurry? When what you want is from God, no one else can have it but you. What happens if unexpected emergencies occur because your spouse or children haven't learned to use their faith as a result of observing your lack of discipline?

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Wednesday July 24, 2024
Life and Light

John 8:12, KJV: Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

We often try to separate light and life when they are actually the same. Jesus said the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life (John 6:63). The life is in the Spirit and the Spirit is the life. Jesus is the Word, and He is the light. The illumination we receive from what Jesus speaks, either through the written word or in our hearts, brings light and life. His words are light and His Spirit is life. His words are a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We need to reflect Him to the world.

When God makes His thoughts known to us and we speak those thoughts, instantly both light and life occur. Jesus is not only the light of the world; He is the light for the world. Our job is to convince the world that they do not have to walk in darkness of any kind. Jesus, the Word of God, is the light of life. You receive His light when you receive His words. Jesus, His words, His light and His life are all the same. Without His Spirit indwelling us, we see through opaque lenses.

We believe unto salvation. We receive unto illumination, resulting in examination, avoiding condemnation. Can't you see you need all of Him? Why section Him off when you can be completed in Him? Receive His Light and His Life; receive His Spirit to lead you into all His word of truth.

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Thursday July 25, 2024
Begin to Know

Colossians 4:6, KJV: Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

A believer does not gain his real knowledge through academic education. You can memorize the Bible from cover to cover, and still not comprehend the wisdom it contains. But when the Teacher of the Church, the Spirit of Truth indwells you and begins to illumine your inner being, He sheds light on truth you've read in the Word, or the truth that He has spoken to your spirit. That is when you begin to know.

Knowledge that is granted by the Holy Spirit makes you bold and confident. When your spirit is directed by the Holy Spirit within you, your speech will always be seasoned with grace that ministers grace. Answers will come before the question is completed. If your life has been in a topsy-turvy state, it's time for you to begin to know.

Some people allow such a gap to grow between themselves and spiritual things, that they are no longer sure what it is they should know. Others wonder if they really want to know more of God and His ways because they fear what they think God may expect or require of them. You can be assured that God will never expect or require anything of you that He will not first equip you to accomplish. It's the not knowing that has made you fearful and kept you in bondage. But Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".

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Friday July 26, 2024
Paul Was Not His Family's First Convert

Romans 16:7, CEV: Greet my relatives Andronicus and Junia who were in jail with me. They are highly respected by the apostles and were followers of Christ before I was.

Don't be surprised if one of your relatives does more for Christ than you did. Though his relatives knew about Christ, before his conversion Paul got to know Him. What does it matter if you are the last one of your relatives to come in? What will He require of you once you're His? In verse 11 of the same chapter, Herodion, a kinsman of Paul's, was also mentioned to be saluted. What an influence he had on some of his relatives. It's good to reach the world for Jesus, but what about those of your own blood?

These verses have helped me to stand concerning the salvation of some of my relatives. Don't be discouraged. They are watching you. Everyone is not going to have a Damascus Road experience like Paul; but that does not mean they won't be used of the Lord. Remember, where much is given, much is required. Are you willing to go through what Paul encountered? I don't envy him at all. Yes, he was especially chosen to reach the Gentiles, but the price he paid was very high. Thank God, Jesus' grace was enough to sustain him.

While we are in a spiritual race, we are not competing with each other. We are to encourage the effort of another sister or brother and allow it to encourage us to keep going for Jesus. Vince Lombardi once said, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Jesus could have chosen Paul's relatives, but instead He chose him. Don't be threatened by the length of time your relatives have been saved. The Lord will choose you and use you in His plan as it pleases Him.

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Saturday July 27, 2024
God Ignores Tradition, Habits, and Cultures

1 Chronicles 3:1, CEV: King David ruled from Hebron for seven years and six months, and during that time he had six sons, who were born in the following order:

Solomon's name was not mentioned among the first six of David's sons. In fact, he was the last of four children that Bathsheba bore (verse 5). Yet when it pleased God, Solomon was the one chosen to build His temple. David himself was the youngest of the son's of Jesse. However, when it was time to find a successor for disobedient Saul, David was chosen.

The tradition and culture of that day dictated that the older son, the first born, was to be top man on the family "totem pole." Scripture reads that God raises them up and puts them down. You may be the "runt of the litter." It matters not with God. He knows who will serve and obey Him.

I was awakened one morning to these words, "I save the wood and the clay, but I work with the gold and silver” (2 Timothy 2:20). Wood and clay are in the great house but they are vessels of dishonor, which means they are vile, disgraceful, full of reproach and shameful. Of course there are garbage cans in a house, but you'd never serve your guests from one, nor do you show it off as something to be proud of. In fact I have never met a person who calls anyone's attention to their garbage can when they are entertaining a guest.

Inanimate objects have no ability or aspirations to be anything other than what they were created to be. In a similar way, when God puts His hand on something or someone and declares it good and fit for His purpose, the matter is settled. God doesn't care about one's gender, color, education, or lack of it. His criteria are never based on man's traditions, habits or culture. That should make you very glad.

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Sunday July 28, 2024
Dominating Concentration

1 Timothy 4:15, CEV: Remember these things and think about them, so everyone can see how well you are doing.

In Paul's advice to Timothy, he was not exhorting Timothy to focus on or be concerned about those around him. Paul wanted Timothy to be aware of the value of the teaching and good instruction he had received growing up and to be certain he did not deviate from that teaching when sharing with others.

I could not find the word "concentrate" listed in the King James Bible. However, "meditate" was readily mentioned in both the Old and New Testament. We are influenced by what we have allowed to dominate our thoughts. We can determine what dominates our thoughts by what we choose to concentrate on repeatedly.

To meditate means to roll around in your mind what is written in the Word and what is spoken to your heart. Scripture says when we meditate the Word, we make our own way prosperous (Joshua 1:8).

Paul exhorted Timothy to watch how he lived and what he taught. If he were to keep on doing what he meditated on, which was what he knew that worked for him, not only was he to be a good servant of Jesus Christ, but he would save himself and those who heard him (1 Timothy 6 & 16 CEV)

The Lord never told us to concentrate on His Word. Meditation is not an exercise of the mind and the spirit dominating our lives for the glory of God. Our minds and our spirit will always agree with what God has said. An unrenewed mind and the flesh (which can never be renewed) cannot agree on spiritual things. It's not mind over matter, it's meditation of what's on our mind that matters. Never let concentration dominate you. Remember and meditate about what has gotten you to where you are and where you want it to take you.

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Monday July 29, 2024
The World's Cares Choke the Word

Mark 4:18, 19, TM: The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hears the Kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard and nothing comes of it.

When I went on vacation for the first time in my life without anyone but the Lord, it was glorious. I took 3 sets of undergarments, 3 changes of clothes. I wore makeup one day before asking myself who really cared if I had on makeup or not? I ate when I felt like it, ate out if the spirit prompted me to, or ate in. I had no concern for anyone's diet being abused, no conversations or advising anyone. I watched the local news in the morning and before going to bed. What freedom. I read or wrote as long as I was being inspired. I went out or stayed in with no thought of what others wanted to do on their vacation. I had finally learned to vacate. Interestingly enough, I did not feel guilty. In fact I felt relieved. I'm trusting the Lord to allow me to do this again.

It is sad when I observe people who have had special favor with the Lord pursue things that can only bring them pleasure in this life, yet you have made no preparation for the hereafter. Since it's true we can take nothing with us, why are we permitting life's cares to control us? The Word is going forth in abundance, but it is not producing the effect it should, because we're never satisfied with what we have except for a very short period of time. That's because we God-created beings were not made to be content with man-made toys. We strangle, drown and analyze the very thing that comes to propel us into visions of eternity. Someone once said worry is a type of infidelity. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and shared that worry was misdirected energy.

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