Horizons Unlimited May 05, 2024 through May 13, 2024

Sunday May 5, 2024: Never Pretend to be the Opposite Sex
Monday May 6, 2024: I Will
Tuesday May 7, 2024: Pursue Peace and Personal Holiness
Wednesday May 8, 2024: He Gives Gifts to His Creation, But His Inheritance to His Offspring
Thursday May 9, 2024: Correct Your Children Before It's Too Late
Friday May 10, 2024: A Gray Day, A Gray Day
Saturday May 11, 2024: He Does What He Says
Sunday May 12, 2024: Healing Occurs Where Teaching and Preaching the Word Occurs
Monday May 13, 2024: That I May Know You

Horizons Unlimited PDF Archive

Sunday May 5, 2024
Never Pretend to be the Opposite Sex

Deuteronomy 22:5, CEV: Women must not pretend to be men and men must not pretend to be women. The Lord your God is disgusted with people who do that.

Since God never makes any mistakes, pretending is the best you can do if you are not satisfied with the way God made you.

If you have given birth to a baby you are a female, it doesn't matter how much you want to be or act like a male.

If you have sired a child, you are a male. Use all the makeup, female attire, or voice change you want, you are a male. You may not have the mature character that defines you as a woman or a man because that takes refining, but your gender is either male or female, and God is disgusted when you pretend to be otherwise. Sure, God still loves you. He can't do otherwise because love is His nature. He is sad that you feel the need to be other than the way He made you, but His love for you never changes.

I have known a few so-called homosexuals in the past, some even produced offspring, but they're dead today because they played with God. God did not kill them; their own lust killed them. God's love permitted them to leave here before He became more disgusted with their behavior. They were not fruitful for His Kingdom, so He allowed them to be cut down.

Stop pretending. Be what the Supreme Creator has made you to be. You'll never be satisfied otherwise.

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Monday May 6, 2024
I Will

Genesis 17:7-8, CEV: I will always keep the promise I have made to you and your descendants, because I am your God and their God. I will give you and them the land in which you are now a foreigner. I will give the whole land of Canaan to your family forever, and I will be their God.

God was very precise and to the point concerning what He was going to do. However, He required Abram, his family, and all the males in his household to do something as a sign that they believed His promise. That promise was so strong that no one refused to be circumcised. Today, we want to enjoy all the promises of God, but without enduring any suffering before we experience them. Thank God Jesus' death took care of the suffering and of the shedding of blood needed to ratify the new covenant with God. Other than for sanitary reasons, circumcision is no longer required of males.

We can have all of the blessings of Abraham through Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary. Although none of us can gain heaven through our works, it is by our works that our faith is measured. James 2:20 says that "... faith without works is dead."

Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is flesh. Paul said there is not one good thing in our flesh (Romans 7:18 KJV). The "I will" of our covenant, spoken by Jehovah, is the "I AM" to perform it for every submitted vessel who honors and reverences Him.

Look where He has brought you from! That is only the beginning compared to where He wants to take you. You and I simply have to do something as a sign to Him that we want to make the trip. What is that sign? Give up all the old fleshly habits and traditions that once bound us. Give up your will for His, and God will always keep His promise to you.

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Tuesday May 7, 2024
Pursue Peace and Personal Holiness

Hebrews 12:14, KJV: Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

I believe God is saying: "The world has misunderstood true prosperity. The prosperity I desire for you to pursue is quietness of heart and peace with all men. Until and unless you see mankind with My heart and My eyes, you will not understand that prosperity is more than natural wealth. Prosperity from Me is more than mere material accumulation; it is peace with others. It is being one with them.

"Living in peace with others, along with purification and sanctification, is what will cause the manifestation of My presence in your life. Pursue peace with all men, and personal holiness. They are before you. They are yours to possess. But you must pursue them with all you have, for peace and holiness are the access codes to Me. I charge you with doing your part. You are not responsible for others and their responses. I am watching, and I will reward in kind. But you choose what is good and right."

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Wednesday May 8, 2024
He Gives Gifts to His Creation, But His Inheritance to His Offspring

Genesis 25:5-6, CEV: While Abraham was still alive, he gave gifts to the sons of Hagar and Keturah. He also sent their sons to live in the east far from his son Isaac, and when Abraham died, he left everything to Isaac.

Have you ever wondered why there appears to be such talent and gifts among the unsaved? I have. This verse answered my question and settled it for me. These talents and gifts usually entertain and excite the flesh, but offer no permanent change in another's life. But listen to or look at the talent and work of a child of God. Without ever meeting the person, you know that he or she has had a personal encounter with the Lord.

It has been said that for the unsaved, earth is the only heaven they have, and for the believer, earth is the only hell they will ever know. Don't begrudge or envy the sinner's gifts and talents-it's all he has going for him. But as a believing child of God, you and I don't have to settle for just gifts and talents. We are joint-heirs with Jesus. He is the One to whom all the inheritance belongs. Therefore it is ours, too, both in this world and in the world to come. Don't even think about quitting or giving up.

Smith Wigglesworth once said, "Possibility is the greatest thing of your life." You and I have more going for us than we ever imagined. Begin to praise God for all the possibilities lying dormant in you now in Jesus' name , and watch them come alive in you.

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Thursday May 9, 2024
Correct Your Children Before It's Too Late

Proverbs 19:18, CEV: Correct your children before it's too late; if you don't punish them you are destroying them.

Why? They will not have been trained to be pleasing to both God and their parents.

When my youngest son was six years old (he is now 45 years plus), he was not thrilled with a response I gave to acknowledge that I did not have the answers to his questions. His reply was, "Well, why don't you know, you're the Mommy?"

I didn't even think about it as I responded with, "Listen, you did not come here with instructions attached to your rear end. I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with, which is you. When you learn to be a better child, I'm sure it will help me with being a better mother." He looked at me and said, "Huh?"

I'd had it with trying to be the ideal mom. I wanted him to know neither of us knew what we were doing and just like being a full time child was a first for him, being a full time parent was all new to me. At least I had the good sense to know that I was in charge and not him.

Parents, you don't have to have all the answers to your child's questions. All you need to know is the One who chose you for the role as parent. Inquire of Him for further direction as you parent your children. Never make the mistake of failing to correct or discipline them because of your sense of inadequacy. God had enough confidence in you to put you in charge. Trust Him to help you with not allowing your child to take over, in Jesus' name.

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Friday May 10, 2024
A Gray Day, A Gray Day

Psalm 118:24, KJV: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Early one cloudy day, my late husband awoke and got up for a moment. After climbing back into bed, he stated, "It's a gray day, a gray day." I responded, "The sun is shining somewhere on the other side of those clouds." Then the Holy Spirit spoke through me and said, "Always remember, the only thing between you and the sun are the clouds. But even clouds have a purpose in the natural. They provide the necessary rain needed for life on the planet. However, nothing stands between you and the Son--ever. Even when the enemy sends clouds, darkness, and gloom into your day, look beyond it all to the truth that this is the day the Lord has made; therefore, rejoice and be glad in it!"

Doom, gloom, darkness, and disaster may not be welcome; but they visit everyone sooner or later. I thank God that, although I may not be able to halt the visit, through His love and His Word, I can be glad in whatsoever state I find myself.

Decide today to take your focus off the gloom and the gray that life has sent your way. Instead, turn your heart and your mind toward Jesus, the Son who is waiting to light up your life to its fullest. The sun is at times out of view because of the clouds, but it never ceases to shine. And although the Son of God can appear at times to be hidden from view, He has revealed Himself to you by the Holy Spirit, who lives within. That's a good reason to rejoice!

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Saturday May 11, 2024
He Does What He Says

Genesis 21:1, NKJV: The Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken.

April 24, 2006, was a Monday. For the middle of spring, the weather was bleak in New York. It was cold and rainy, but my heart was bubbly and very light. Had I been operating in the flesh, on a scale from 1 to 10, I could have been a minus 1! But I was operating in the Spirit, and I felt more like a 15.

When my husband, one of the ministry’s three directors, had been asleep in Jesus slightly more than a year, the ministry’s administrator, who was another one of three, was relocating after more than 25 years. I could have allowed myself to feel down and unsettled. Yet my spirit was soaring, and I felt that I could run through hoops and even leap a few walls! How come? The Lord had visited me as He had said, and He was doing everything for me that He had spoken to me. As I approached His Word earlier, I had asked the Lord to reveal more of Himself to me. And did He ever! Although this verse was spoken concerning the wife of Abraham, the Holy Spirit illumined it to me, and I took it as a personal message. Everything around me became bright and beautiful.

How’s your day going? I offer this word to you as a way to take back control of what’s going on in your life. I never once asked God to change or fix anything or anyone. I simply asked Him to make me more sensitive to what He was doing for the day, and He granted my request. He loves it when we show interest in Him and not just in what He can do for us.

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Sunday May 12, 2024
Healing Occurs Where Teaching and Preaching the Word Occurs

Matthew 4:23, KJV: And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Once people grasp the truth that they have a redemptive covenant with the Creator, they do not have to wait for a "Super Saint" to show up so they can receive something from God. They are the super saints! However, they do have to go where the teaching and preaching of the Word is taking place. You can't always stay home, miss teaching and preaching concerning that which concerns you, and expect to have faith to receive what you need, because faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

In Jesus' earthly ministry, He taught before He healed. When the people had experienced teaching and preaching, healing took place. Those to whom Jesus ministered were covenant children of God, the lineage of those He had brought out of Egypt with not one sick or feeble person among them (Psalm 105:37). After they were taught who they were and what their authority was, they were no doubt ashamed that they had allowed themselves to be reduced to bondage by something God did not give them, and they were ready to receive deliverance. They accepted their deliverance from a seemingly impossible place. But first they had to be taught.

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Monday May 13, 2024
That I May Know You

Exodus 33:13, KJV: Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

Pastors have many advantages and blessings that others in ministry don't have. One of those blessings is to observe the growth and maturity of the sheep. However, the pastor also sees the stumbling, falling, backsliding, and rebellion. This is never a cause to criticize but a call to pray.

One of the disadvantages of filling the role of a shepherd is our ever-present tendency to forget that the sheep don't belong to us but to God. One of the first things we pastors need to do is what Moses did: recognize our need to know God. The only way to know God is to have Him show us His way. But He will only show us His way when we find grace in His sight.

Once I determined that the sheep we are called to shepherd belong to God, I made it my goal to consult with Him-first, to get to know Him; then to inquire regarding His ways. One thing I quickly learned was that I couldn't have any favorites. All of God's children are valuable and precious to Him, and the rules are the same for everyone, regardless of appearance or personality.

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Horizons Unlimited PDF Archive

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